You can use our conversion and transfer options for free, but for gaining access to other functionalities like hosting, sharing and increasing your limit on transfers and conversions, you will have to register an account.
Check our Copyright Policy and TOS for more info. It is against our TOS to upload documents that belong to somebody else. Who owns the documents shared on Cometdocs?Īll documents uploaded to Cometdocs belong to the people who uploaded them and we claim no ownership.The visibility of stored documents is completely under the control of the user, meaning that the user decides whether he or she wants to make the document publically available, share it with certain individuals or keep it completely private. Documents that are not stored are deleted from our servers permanently after their URLs expire. What happens with my uploaded documents?Īll uploaded documents are accessible only for service-related purposes and visible only via a URL sent to users via email or through our online interface.Check our TOS and Privacy Policy for more information.
#Ocr pdc to excel download
Users will be emailed only for service-related purposes (notifying you that your file is ready for download or that your file has been transferred) and nothing more. We guarantee that your email address will NEVER be sold, rented or provided to any third party.
#Ocr pdc to excel free
The new service is still 100% free as before but there is also now a premium version which offers a host of additional features. The new and significantly simplified interface gives users an all-in-one service for all of their document management needs. Users can now convert, transfer, host, and share their documents using this free online service. Cometdocs is now a full-fledged online document management system. Cometdocs now offers much more than just the file conversion which made it famous. The API service presents a great opportunity for developers who are interested in integrating our cloud conversion tools into their own apps.Ĭ, a leading online document service that has successfully served over 3 million customers since its launch in 2009 is excited to announce a completely new version of its popular website. Our new referral system lets users earn extra weekly conversions by telling their friends about Cometdocs and getting them to register.
#Ocr pdc to excel android
The mobile app is available for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. We are happy to announce three new Cometdocs features: Cometdocs mobile apps, a new referral system and an API service.